Grand Lodge Communication

The Annual Communication / annual meeting of Grand Lodge will be held on Wednesday July 19th, 2023 at 9:00 a.m. in the Grand York Ballroom, Sheraton Parkway Toronto North Hotel, M.W. Bro. Thomas W. Hogeboom, Grand Master / President presiding. Grand Lodge will reassemble at 8:45 a.m. in the Grand York Ballroom, Sheraton Parkway Toronto North Hotel. The installation and investiture of Grand Lodge officers and the newly-elected D.D.G.M.s will take place Thursday July 20th, 2023. It is essential that each new officer be present and have his new regalia with him.
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2023-07-19 9:00 AM - 2023-07-20
Eastern Daylight Time
600 Highway 7 Richmond Hill L4B 1B2