Amalgamation of Harodim No. 513 & Meridian No. 687

The Grand Master & Grand Lodge will be presiding over the Ceremony of Amalgamation at the Hamilton Masonic Centre - Scottish Rite Building. RSVP must be received on or before Sept 4th and sent to V.W. Bro. Reginald Joyce @ [email protected] or 905-746-9871. 5PM - Meridian Lodge will open to conduct business and call from L to R. 5:30PM - Cocktails in the Banquet Hall  6PM - Banquent  7:30 - Lodge calls from R to L and the Grand Master and Grand Lodge will be received into lodge.
Add a link to RSVP here
2023-09-13 5:00 PM - 10:00 PM
Eastern Daylight Time
4 Queen St. South Hamilton, ON